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Guy Shockey – G.U.E.
Guy Shockey learned to dive in a cold mountain lake in Alberta 40 years ago. He is a full-time instructor Evaluator for Global Underwater Explorers and regularly travels the world teaching everything from introductory to advanced technical diving including closed circuit rebreather diving. He is particularly active with instructor training. He has an undergraduate and graduate degree in political science and was a military officer on two occasions in another life. He has several business startups to his credit including companies in the manufacturing, wholesale, and retail sectors. He played competitive rugby for many years and is an active skydiving instructor and coach. He was the editor for an outdoors magazine for 13 years and regularly writes for various diving publications. His passions include exploration and underwater archaeology and helping grow diving communities. He is the founder and president of Thermocline Diving ( which is dedicated to promoting exploration diving in the Pacific Northwest. He was one of the first GUE instructors trained on the JJ and uses it exclusively in his exploration diving.